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summers solutions business coaching

Get in touch

Queensland, Australia

+61 0430 577 309

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At SSA, we value respect, responsiveness and results. We're passionate about partnering with you to create high performing, low stress environments that aid in seamless growth.

Your partners in change.

Your partners in achieving successful digital transformation.

business coaching happy staff

Why work with us

After working full time as the Head of Client Experience for multiple companies, our Founder noticed the huge impact nimble changes make to a business, and how similar solutions were desperately needed by so many other businesses. The results?

New and existing revenue streams increased by ~400%

Retention of recurring revenue worth ~$5M

Minimal staff churn during times of disruptive change.

Extreme visibility and flexibility for business owners and staff.

Our Services

Partnering with Summers Solutions gives you a competiative edge by increasing hands on deck to get things done quickly, with a focus on keeping you, your team and your customers hairline in tact.

Hand-held change

We work directly with you and your team to deeply understand the SaaS product(s) you've selected for your digital transformation project. We then become an active part of your team to get the work done!

Business & team improvement

An effective service where we review your business and provide strategic guidance on ways you can improve your service for increased retention, and increase your team efficiency.

Ongoing support & guidance

Work with us long term to keep your team culture and profit margins high, retain clients and get the most out of the solutions provided to you.

Disruption, managed.

Revenue focussed

Increase revenue, lower stress and improve customer and staff satisfaction by centralising key information and making your software work for you, not against you. We partner with you to create, train and deliver new ways of working!

Happy staff, strong results

Wearing multiple hats is a necessity in your business, but it can be overwhelming at times. Building a solution that clearly guides your team on next steps (and how to do it) will keep projects moving, revenue flowing and customers happy.

Knowledge is power

You don’t know what you don’t know. Increase your power by leveraging our experience and knowledge of working with hundreds of businesses across Australia where you can use the best strategies from different industries to achieve your digital transformation goals.

Your working overtime, juggling calls, emails, customer satisfaction metrics, struggling to prioritise the tasks that make your bottom line grow and you have a need for new technology to make it all easier for you.

Now's the time to handball that s*#t. 

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